Myth #5: "Dry Food Cleans Cats’ Teeth"

The Truth:
Dry Food Speeds Tartar Buildup
Dry food (kibble) does not help keep cats’ teeth clean. In fact, just the opposite. The binding chemicals that hold kibble together are sticky. Because of this stickiness, dry food increases the rate at which feline tartar builds up.
In the wild, cats clean their teeth while ripping meat off bones. The physical rubbing of tooth on bone does the job. Cat teeth are made to slice, not grind. Has your cat ever vomited untouched kibble stars or triangles? Most cats fed kibble crunch on it only a little or not at all; many swallow it whole. There is no cleaning action. Studies have now proven this.
Dry food is bad for cats in every way. Get species-appropriate nutritional advice from your cat vet!